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Wonderful Relaxation!

We all need it ....we all crave it.....but do we truly take time to relax?  Since I was a little girl my favorite form of relaxation has been a hot bath!  Thank goodness I have a partner who understands this and has indulged my incessant need for this luxury.  There is nothing like a hot luxurious bath at the end of the day.  Every night after dinner he says, "So is it a tub night?"  And most nights it is!  I leave him to the task of kitchen clean up and I relax in my bath.  OMG you say - who is this man and how do I get one.  Believe me - I know how lucky I am!

Many times over the years Joe and I have based our house purchases on the basis of the bath tub.  Ideally it has to be separate from the shower - just mine alone for reading, listening to music, sometimes dozing - but always necessary to shed the stress of the day.  My friends are amazed and astounded by this.  Tubs - who the heck sits in a tub anymore?  My friend Eileen uses hers for drying clothes or blocking her knitting! " Oh my god" I exclaimed when I saw a pair of pants in her tub.  "What the heck are you doing".  "I have never been in that tub." she stated emphatically.  "They should have just left it out of the house."  Now that is something that I can never understand. 

So give it a try.  Pamper yourself and sprinkle some Dr. Teal's Lavender Epsom Soaking Salts into the warm water, slather on a facial mask, grab a glass of your favorite wine and sit back and relax.  You'll be glad you did!

It's Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day
I have always loved Valentine's Day!  It is such a sweet holiday!  When I was younger I loved to get chocolate in a fancy box. I did enjoy the candy but that was not the major attraction.  My father, Buddy Lally, always brought me a  red satin heart shaped box of chocolates with a beautiful doll on top.  The doll was always dressed in a beautiful gown trimmed with lots of ruffles and lace.  After the chocolates were gone my mom Claire would hang the beautifully decorated box lids in my bedroom up close to the ceiling. Dozens of hearts lined the ceiling of my bedroom and the beautiful dolls were lined up like fairy princesses.  Today with all the weight watching going on I don't encourage chocolate gifts anymore, but I do appreciate kind words and a thoughtful Valentine - especially from those I love.  And thankfully I am never disappointed!  I even received one from a knitting buddy (thank you Eileen) and I am going to pass it on to you . So Kiss your loved ones and enjoy the true meaning of St. Valentine's Day!