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Forty Five plus 6

How many times have we beat ourselves
 up over something we have said or done. 
Often times we can't let it go - 
continuing to chastise ourselves relentlessly! 
And how much time do we wasted doing this. 
Time is something we can never get back and
it is a precious commodity the older we get.
So as Helen Keller so insightfully stated, acknowledge what we have done and learn from it. 
One of life's simple lessons. 
But definitely not simple to do! 

Forty Five plus 5

This is certainly food for thought for the 
younger generation and maybe some of the oldies too!
But here in Sun City, Hilton Head
this is not an issue.  
And if you have any doubt come to one of the many dances that are held here and you will see 
104 year young Hazel dancing with her 90 year old boyfriend!
She is a fabulous dancer, tennis player, tap dancer and in her spare time does circuit weight training.
Her enthusiasm is amazing and it certainly shows in her
her grace and kindness to others.
We love you Hazel!

Forty Five plus 4

Don't you always think about the person that makes you feel so good about yourself? Who is always in the moment - your moment - when they are with you.  Not ready to move on to the next appointment, thought, chore.  I am always in awe of these people and the ease in which they bestow their thoughtfulness and delight about the world. How they take the time to be genuinely interested in others.  How they are able to shut out the world and the frenetic pace of life to focus on what is important and continually perform small acts of kindness to make everyone around them to feel special.

Yes that is a special gift indeed!

Forty Five plus 3

Definitely remember this one if you are having a bad day or feeling badly about yourself!

Forty Five plus 2

As I have matured I have realized that this quote is so true!
Who among us had not had an unfortunate circumstance occur only to learn much later that it has 
impacted us in a positive way.
And don't you love to be in the company of those who are happy and optimistic.  
Doesn't that make you feel much better yourself!  
Life's lessons are often very hard to learn so I guess
we should chill out and realize that

"Everything Happens for a Reason"!  

Forty Five plus 1

November 11, 2013 

Today's Quote makes you really think about yourself and how and why you are the way you are.

We are amazing marvelous creatures - all put here for a purpose.  Do you know what your purpose is?

I think about this a lot lately and as of yet I still am not sure.  Sometimes I think it was to bring my beautiful children into this world so they could create their children and so on and so on.  Could this answer be that simple.  Who knows.  But if that is the reason it is certainly enough for me!

45 Years and The Adventure Continues!

Well I have been a little lax in keeping up with this blog because I am so busy with everything else.  No excuses here…….just facts.  So today Joe and I are celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary 
and our children sent us a thoughtful gift called 
Gathering Thoughts "365". 

Everyday we will read one of the cards and ponder it's meaning and how it may relate to us - 
past, present or future. 
It is a lovely gift and 
I thought I would let you join in the journey of self discovery.
So today we shall begin.
 I will be posting the quote here and my hope is 
that you enjoy this adventure as much as we do.
Feel free to comment below if something really 
touches your heart!