Finally the weather here is wonderful - just what I moved here for. It has been consistently warm for over a month and I am loving it. I have been very busy teaching classes but have made it a point to take some time to spend relaxing at the pool with my knitting buddy Bonnie. I am truly amazed that in the middle of March I am able to sit by the pool in the beautiful sunshine and read or knit -- or knit & gab as we often do.
The water temperature was a perfect 85 degrees and as you can imagine there was no shock getting in or out of the water. We just hung out in the water- no knitting but lots of gabbing- for at least an hour!
And my knitting projects have also taken on a relaxing tone. Thank you to my dear friend Ilse who taught me how to knit a beaded bracelet. It was a little nerve wracking at first, but once I got into a rhythm it was a breeze. Now I am working on a shawl that I have been wanting to knit for a while. I received some beautiful bamboo yarn in a Christmas gift exchange that I knew would be just perfect for my "Summer Flies" by Donna Griffin. Kudos to Donna for a wonderfully written pattern that just flies off the needles. No wonder that close to 1200 knitters have made this shawl! And of course both projects are in my favorite color that reminds me of the sea!
I've knitted quite a bit in just a short time and hopefully will be wearing my new creation in no time at all. After all, time flies fast all the time as far as I'm concerned!