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Feel Good Knitting

Today was the kind of day that gives you that sense of feeling really good about being a knitter!  The time when you realize what a community of knitting is all about.  Here in Sun City Hilton Head
our knitting group has come together to support women of our community who are dealing with Breast Cancer.  It is heart warming to see how so many knitters are willing to give of their time to make something special for someone they don't even know!  And for some learning a new technique is not easy - in fact it is a daunting task!  The first step for these students was learning how to knit on the magic loop.  What is that you ask - well most of them were not sure what the heck that is either! When I explained that they would complete their entire hat and socks on one circular needle they were very skeptical as to how this could possibly be done.  At first they were all thumbs but after many hours of knitting and ripping (all knitters can identify with that technique) the colorful chemo caps emerged from their needles.  Yesterday was the second  in the series of magic loop classes and everyone was very excited to knit the beautiful socks made from super soft Debbie Bliss Cashmerino.  Again, these socks were to be knit on one magic loop needle from the toe all the way up to the cuff!  It was a joy to watch these dedicated women carefully cast each stitch onto their magic loop needle with Judy Becker's Magic Cast On.  For those of you who knit, this is truly a magical technique that takes lots and lots of practice but is well worth the effort.  I watched in amazement as they cast on their stitches over and over  until the stitches looked perfect and they were happy with their results.  "After all" one of the knitters said, "we want these socks to look as beautiful as they can." 


   Carefully and diligently they knitted away chatting to their neighbor and stopping give help to someone who was not so quick to grasp the technique.  Suddenly before their eyes they saw the sock begin to emerge.  It always amazes me what wonderful things you can make from sticks and strings!  Unfortunately we are expecting that we will be giving out more gift bags then we would like- but we are hopeful that the love and compassion that is knitted into every item will be felt by the recipient.  Maybe even a little magic of healing will be transferred from the community of women who knitted these items to all of the women who will be receiving the gift bags.  Women they don't know personally but none the less they feel in their hearts!

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