I love the South. The people are very friendly and the weather is wonderful. Don't get me wrong - I love the North as well. After all, that is where I was born and raised and that's where my family is - especially my three wonderful grandsons. But there is something about the South and living close to the sea, where the palm trees sway and the alligators walk. Yes you read correctly - walking alligators. The first thing my husband told me when we moved here was don't feed the alligators and if you have to run from one - don't run in a straight line - make sure you ZIGZAG. Now generally I take much of what he says with a grain of salt as he is usually trying to put one over on me. So I was very surprised when I saw lots of signs confirming what he had said.
It was huge - and completely still. We stood there in amazement watching this prehistoric looking creature. I have never seen anything like it. Why the heck don't we have a camera I thought! No one was going to believe the size of this guy without proof! Oh well - another big story with no proof! Our kids are use to that!! We continued on our walk and upon returning home Joe said let's take the camera and go back and see if it is still there. And to our surprise - there he was! In the exact same place we had seen him earlier and as still and quite as before. Mother nature and her creatures never cease to amaze me. And this prehistoric creature obviously has its purpose in our wonderful world. As we stood for a few minutes and gazed upon his magnificence I again thought about how much I love my new surroundings - but I am also thankful that today I didn't have to try out that ZIGZAG theory!
I love seeing the alligators. We see our big one a lot during sunny days while it sits warming themselves up in the sun.
What a great post! I, too, have been amused by all the "Don't feed or pester the alligator" signs I've seen around. The "don't pester" version is here on the USCB South campus where I work.
And thanks for that advice about the zig-zag! My beagle and I have been chased by an evil angry ugly goose when we inadvertently got too close to his little woman, and I was too frightened of his unrelenting attack to think about anything other than RUNNING and dragging my poor dog along, much less in any sort of pattern, zig zag or otherwise!
Every time I glanced back (screaming, mind you) to see if we'd lost the goose, I'd see him hovering over my dog, pecking at her, and all my poor hound (beagle) was interesting in doing was stop & get a good sniff of him! I'm *still* scared of the ugly goose pair in my apartment complex!
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