It turns out that the weather-man (or woman as in our case) is not always correct with their predictions. Big surprise right? Let's face it - it is probably one of the only professions where you can be consistently wrong and still keep your job. And I am soooo... thankful that "she" (who shall remain nameless) was wrong yesterday. One of the reasons she shall remain nameless is the last time I went on an outing with friends it rained all day when it wasn't supposed to and I complained loudly - repeating her name over and over in completed disgust as we trudged from house to house in the cold rain. So I decided that yesterday was payback - it was supposed to be an 80% chance of rain and we only had a few drops near the end of the day. This made it a wonderful day to be on a Garden Tour in beautiful historic Charleston. Of course the day began with a stop at Dunkin Donuts to fill up on high test coffee for our journey. The drive passed quickly with chatter of clubs and current events.

After our arrival in Charleston our first stop was at 82 Queen for a yummy lunch.
Next we made a few shopping stops. First to Chico's for a quick return and then to off to Knit so Bonnie could get some yarn for her new sock project. Finally it was time to the see the gardens. Unfortunately it is against South Carolina law to take photos on private property but Charleston is such a picturesque city that it was easy to get lots of pictures on our travels from garden to garden!
The dazzling array of color was seen on front steps & window boxes along the way. I certainly enjoyed the beautiful flowers but I am definitely not the gardener in my home - Joe is the one with the green thumb and he really should have been the one taking the tour!
But since I was here and he wasn't I did my best to document all the wonderful plants and flowers that I saw so he could look them up in his Southern Living plant book. The ladies who so graciously invited me to attend are gardeners so they had no trouble identifying all the different species of plants.
They were truly in their element and enjoying themselves!
It was a wonderful day and I can't wait to return to this wonderful city - a lovely southern gem! We have already have made plans to return at Christmastime to enjoy all the beautiful holiday decorations & celebrations. I even got a wonderful little present for my hubby. I know it is something he will absolutely enjoy!
Merry Christmas Honey! Unfortunately the present is just the picture!!
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