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Let's Celebrate - Spring is in the Air

After a long hard winter it seems like spring has finally arrived in the South.  We have had a good few days of 70 degree plus weather and the forecast for the next week looks good.  I have certainly taken advantage of this great weather taking lots of walks, riding my bike and yesterday Joe and I visited the nursery which is truly a sign of the warm weather.  The flowering shrubs and plants were a welcome sight.  There was also a wonderful variety of fountains which are very popular here in the south.

But of course spring for me means knitting as I don't like to get my hands dirty in the garden - I leave that to my husband as it is his passion.  So my spring project was to design a fun little scarf called "Loopy Snecklace". 

 Yes it is a scarf and/or a necklace that can brighten up your summer white tee shirt.  I will be having a workshop here in Sun City - and possibly in some other locations as well.  You don't have to be an expert knitter to make one but it shouldn't be your first or second project either.  Use some fabulous ribbon yarn with a coordinating novelty yarn - add some beads or bling if you want - and voila- a show stopper that everyone will be asking you about!  Celebrate spring and make yourself something special - you deserve it!


Unknown said...

Cute Mom!

Anonymous said...

That scarf looks like so much fun! I am spending the night doing gauge swatches, not so much fun.

PaLady said...

Looks like you're having too much fun! The scarf is adorable.